Cohorts: Awakening Generation - Prophet, Idealist Type (1701-1723)
Samuel Adams, John
Witherspoon, Roger Sherman, Crispus Attucks,
Samuel Davies, Roger Sherman, Thomas Hutchinson,
Jonathon Edwards, Gilbert Tennant,.
Timeline events: Outer-Driven Era
(1693) College of
William and Mary founded
(1694) English
colonists form alliances with Iroquois indians
(1695) Pima indians rebel against Spanish in Southwest, New York City offers relief to the poor.
(1696) Another Navigation act is passed
(1697) William Penn proposed an inter colonial congress
with a president appointed by the King,
King Williams War ends
(1699) Captain Kidd the
pirate is captured in Boston and sent to England
(1700) Massachusetts and New York expel
Catholics, population of colonies est.
(1701) Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac builds Fort
Pontchartrain on the site of present Detroit
, Yale College founded, Pennsylvania
Colony receives it first Constitution, Vestry Act makes Anglicanism official religion of North Carolina
(1702) Queen
Anne's War, Cotton Mather publishes
_The Ecclesiastical History of New England_
(1704) The French erect Fort Miami
(1705) The
Virginia Black Code of 1705 severely restricts
activities of slaves and proclaims them to be
real estate
(1706) Ben
Franklin born
(1711) The Tuscarora Indian
war breaks out in North Carolina
(1712) Carolina
broken into North and South colonies,
Pennsylvania bans slaves, Nantucket whaler
first American to capture Sperm Whale
(1713) Queen Anne's War ends, first Schooner
designed in Gloucester, Mass.
(1714) Tea is
introduced in the colonies
(1715) War against Yamasee indians in Southern Colonies
(1716) First black
slaves arrive in French Louisiana
(1717) Blackbeard the pirate (Edward Teach) dies in
fight with Virginia colonists, Scots-Irish
and German immigrants flood into colonies
(1718) New Orleans founded by French, Spanish
found San Antonio
(1720) As crime rates soar,
theft becomes a capitol offense in Philadelphia, John Law's promotion of Louisiana colonization creates "Mississippi Bubble"
(1722) Virginia governor Alexander Spotswood
negotiates a treaty with the League of Six Indian
Nations known as the Iroquois Confederation
(1723) construction of the Old North Church in
Boston begun, Maryland mandates public
(1724) Lovewell's (Dummer's) War in Maine between
English and French
(1725) Slaves (75,000 in
Colonies) get separate Baptist Church in
Williamsburg, English and French build a
series of forts along the New England border
(1726) Presbyterian Minister William Tennant
builds Log College in Pennsylvania where
evangelist preachers of the Great Awakening are
taught, poor people riot in Philadelphia
(1727) Anglo-Spanish War breaks out in Southern
colonies, young Benjamin Franklin forms
the Junto Club for "mutual improvement"
(1728) excessive drinking becomes a big problem
in Colonies, Boston bans horses and
carriages from the "Commons",
first Jewish synagogue in New York City
(1729) Benjamin Franklin takes over and begins
publication of the Pennsylvania Gazette which
will eventually become the Saturday Evening
Post, French battle Natchez indians in Mississippi
(1730) Baltimore is established in Maryland
, spa at Newport, Rhode Island becomes a
hot tourist spot for the colonists
(1731) Design
for Independence Hall in Philadelphia completed
(1732) Ben Franklin's Junto Club creates the
first public library in the colonies,
George Washington is born, the only
Catholic Church in the colonies holds its first
mass, James Oglethorpe is granted a
charter for Georgia,
the last of the 13
colonies, Ben Franklin begins
publication of _Poor Richard's Almanac_,
British pass the Hat Act, first Stage Coach line established in New Jersey
(1733) British pass the
Molasses Act
Foreign Contemporaries:
John Wesley, Jean- Jacques Rousseau, Frederick
the Great, Adam
Smith, Baron Munchhausen, Sir John Murray,
John Montagu Sandwich, Horace Walpole, Charles
III, Thomas Gray, Peter II, John Stuart Bute,
George Grenville, Frederick II, David Hume,
Richard Grenville, Louis XV, Samuel Johnson,
William Pitt, Leonhard Euler, Henry Fielding,
Carolus Linnaeus, Charles and John Wesley, Anders
Celsius, [Author's great, great, great,
great, great grandfather - Samuel Murray (born in
Ireland, 1724)]
Foreign Timeline Events:
War of Spanish Succession begins (1701), 15 year
old German composer, J. S. Bach, begins to give
organ lessons (1701), Anne becomes Queen of
England (1702), first daily newspaper, "The
Daily Courant" is published in London and
"Moscow Gazette" begins publication by
order of Peter the Great (1702), Halley predicts
the comet (1705), first Life Insurance Co. opens
in London (1706), England and Scotland form Great
Britain (1707), the Mogul empire in India begins
to disintegrate (1707), Italian Harpsichord maker
invents the piano (1709), Fahrenheit invents the
thermometer (1709), Handel's opera
"Agripa" produced (1710), half a
million killed by Bubonic Plague in Austria and
Germany (1711), Queen Anne's War (War of Spanish
Sucession) ends (1713), Peter the Great
introduces public education in Russia (1714),
Voltaire imprisoned (1717), Treaty of the Hague
(1720), Manchu Dynasty flourishes in China
(1722), China bans Christianity (1723),.King George II succeeds King George I (1727).