Cohorts: Compromise
Generation - Artist, Adaptive
Type (1767-1791)
Jackson, John
Quincy Adams, Martin
Van Buren, William
Harrison, John
Tyler, Zachary
Taylor, James
Dolley Madison
, Henry Clay,
Meriwether Lewis, Captain William Clark, Daniel
Webster, Washington Irving, Davey Crockett, J.Fenimore Cooper, Samuel F. B.
Morse, [Author's great, great, great
grandfather - William Murray (born in North
Carolina, 1785)]
Timeline events: Crisis Era
(1774) English Parliament passes the Coercive Acts to
quell rebelliousness in Massachusetts,
First Continental Congress, the First
Continental Congress passes the Suffolk Resolve
defying the Coercive Acts, colonial
militia "The Minutemen" are formed
, Thomas
Paine emigrates to America
(1775) Daniel
Boone begins work on the Wilderness Road,
Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Benjamin Rush form the
first abolitionist society, Ethan Allen
and Benidict Arnold capture the British fort at Ticonderoga
, Patrick
Henry's speech, Paul Revere's ride
, the Second Continental Congress convenes
and forms a militia with George Washington as its
head, the Battles of Lexington and Concord
, Battle of Bunker Hill, Congress
adopts the "Declaration
of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms", Thomas
Paine publishes an article supporting women's
rights, Virginia Governor Dunmore
institutes martial law and tries to organize a
loyalist army, Congress establishes a Navy
, King George III issues a royal
proclamation closing the American Colonies to
trade and commerce
(1776) New Hampshire adopts
the first state constitution, Thomas Paine
publishes _Common Sense_, General Howe
abandons Boston, the Continental Congress
recommends disarming Loyalists and raids on
British ships, Louis XIV provides arms to
the Americans, North Carolina calls for
independence from Britain, France and
Spain supply aid to American revolutionaries
, Continental Congress authorizes each of
the 13 colonies to form provincial governments
, British fleet is defeated at Charleston
, General Howe invades New York ,
Howe defeats Washington at the Battle of Long
Island, San Francisco founded as Mission
Yerba Buena, Nathan
Hale captured and hanged on Long Island
, Declaration
of Independence signed, Benedict
Arnold defeated at Lake Champlain, the
Continental Congress flees Philidelphia to
Baltimore, General Washington crosses the
Delaware River to defeat British at Trenton on
Christmas Day
(1777) Washington establishes
winter quarters in Morristown, NJ (Jan., 1777),
Congress returns to Philidelphia, John
Paul Jones appointed Captain of the Ranger
, 20 yr. old French Marquis de Lafayette
arrives in Philidelphia to offer aid, a
series of battles (Bennington, Brandywine, 1st
Battle of Saratoga, Germantown) causes Congress
to move often and culminates in a defeat of the
British at the 2nd battle of Saratoga,
Congress endorses
Articles of Confederation, San Jose is
founded in California, Washington's troops
enter winter quarters at Valley
Forge (Dec., 1777), France officially
recognizes independence of American colonies
(1778) French/American treaties signed,
John Paul Jones does battle in English seas
, Henry Clinton replaces Howe as head of
British Troops, George Rogers Clark
secures territory on the western frontier at
Cohokia, Articles of Confederation signed
, Ben Franklin heads for France
(1779) British capture and burn Portsmouth and Norfolk,
Virginia, as battles rage in the North and
the South, Congress approves a peace plan and
sends John Adams and John Jay to Europe to
negotiate, Washington's troups return to
Morristown for the winter (Oct., 1779)
(1780) British
take Charleston, N.C., Benedict Arnold is
found to be helping the British and joins them
, Loyalist forces are turned back at Kings
Mountain to end the British invasion of North
(1781) American troups mutiny as the
economy falters, Articles of Confederation
activated, Spanish battle British in
Florida and the western territories, with
the help of the French, Americans win the Battle
at Yorktown to end the revolution
(1782) Americans and British sign a peace
treaty in Paris
(1783) Congress formally declares and end to the
Revolutionary War with Britain, Noah
Webster issues the first volume of his
"Blue-Backed Speller" distinguishing
the American variant of the English language
, most Northern States abolish slavery
(1784) Congress ratifys the Treaty of Paris
, Russions establish their first permanent
settlement at Kodiak Island, James Madison
publishes _Remonstrances Against Religious
Assessments_ advocating seperation of Church and
(1785) Thomas Jefferson appointed Minister
to France, Congress passes the Land
Ordinance of 1785 to make land available in the
(1786) Virginia adopts an ordinance of
Religious Freedom, Congress adopts a
coinage system and establishes a mint as the post
war depression deepens
(1787) Shay's rebellion crushed,
Northwest Ordinance passes the Continental Congress
, Constitutional Convention convened and a new Constitutionis sent to
the States for ratification,
first steamboat built by John Fitch, Deleware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey ratify the new constitution and become states.
Foreign Contemporaries:
Napolean Bonaparte, Ludwig
van Beethoven, Sir Walter Scott, Simon
Bolivar, Jane Austen, Charles Babbage, Georg
Hegel, Carl Gauss, Carl von Clausewitz, Michael
Faraday, David Ricardo, George Stephenson
Foreign Timeline Events:
Adam Smith publishes Wealth
of Nations (1776), France declares war on
Britain (1778), Spain declares war on England