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Cycles in U. S. History



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An Examination of Cycles in United States History

Hi, I'm Bill Murray (no not THAT Bill Murray) and this is my TimePage. I am a recently retired Aerospace worker here in Seattle , with a couple of grown kids out on their own and a house in the suburbs full of memories and artifacts. I migrated here nearly 60 yrs ago after a youth spent in the wilds of L. A . Since I have accumulated so much history of my own, I would like to share a little with you.

My history started in the middle of World War II, but although I am a WWII baby, I've always felt that I didn't quite fit any of the stereotypical images of any of that crowd. I didn't identify with the GI's outlook and I was not totally in sync with the Boomer mentality that emerged after WWII either. Some time ago I read a book by William Strauss and Neil Howe (S&H) called " Generations " and I felt I got a little insight into this feeling of mine. According to S&H, I am sitting right in the gap between two powerful generations. I was born too late to participate and too early to celebrate. Strauss and Howe called my generation the "Silent Generation". Well we'll see.


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I am beginning to make some changes in the organization of the timelines. Look for some more of my family history and more linkage to my blog. If you see some blank spaces and duplicates, don't worry. Hopefully, I will get it cleaned up before long.

I would like to invite anyone who is interested in the TimePage or its subject matter to join me at my personal blog, Taking My Time or you can twitter me at Takingmytime.


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GENERATIONS , William Strauss and Neil Howe, 1991, William Morrow Publisher, New York.

The Fourth Turning , William Strauss and Neil Howe, 1997, Broadway Books Publisher, New York.

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