Cohorts: Thirteenth Generation (Generation
X) - Nomad, Reactive
Barack Obama, George Stephanopoulos, Wayne Gretzky, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Dennis Rodman, Clyde Drexler,
Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa, Ken Griffey Jr., Alex Rodriguez, Jeff Gordon, Mary Lou Retton, Shaquille O'Neal,
Mia Hamm, Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods, Brett Favre, Allen Iverson, Andre Agassi, Jeff Bezos,
Michael Dell, David Filo, Jerry Yang, Anna Kournikova, Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, Mark McGuire,
Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Ralph Fiennes, Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt,
Kurt Cobain, Ricky Martin, Dave Matthews, Leann Rimes, Sean "Puffy" Combs, Ice Cube,
The Dixie Chicks, Britney Spears,
Molly Ringwald, Jennifer Aniston, Anne Heche, Cuba Gooding Jr., Ben Affleck,
Angelina Jolie, Edward Norton, John Cusack, Leonardo DiCaprio. Sara Michelle Gellar,
Jim Carrey, Garth Brooks, Rosie O'Donnell,
Renee Zellweger, Julia Roberts, Chris Rock, Gwyneth Paltrow, Barbara Walton,
Jessica Bailey, Wendi Dunlap, Tim Moran, Joan Cole, John Markos O'Neill,
(Author's Children)
Timeline events: Awakening Era
(1966) Escalation in Vietnam, protests heat up, black
militants emerge, Miranda decision, Charles Whitman fires from
the Texas tower, Walt
Disney dies,
New Yorks Metropolitan Opera closes, New York Stock Exchange
peaks at 995 then drops to 744, Medicare begun, Catholics can eat
meat on Friday, mini-skirts, Timothy Leary's LSD ushers in drug
use, Jack Nicklaus wins all four majors.
(1967) Vietnam war continues to escalate, worst race
riots ever, Adam Clayton Powell removed from office, GATT signed,
Puerto Rico turns down statehood, first black Supreme Court
judge, Thurgood Marshall, sworn in, [Boom Awakening]
marked by civil rights/Vietnam war protests and extreme, drug
influenced culture, "Woodie" Guthrie and Carl Sandburg
die, Corporation for Public
formed, father of A-bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, dies,
three astronauts killed in Apollo launch pad fire, Surveyor 3,4,5
and 6 explore the moon for Apollo, Apollo 4 achieves orbit, Super
Bowl I, Boston strangler convicted, American Basketball
Association (ABA) formed,
(1968) Dr. Spock convicted of abetting draft evaders,
USS Pueblo seized off North Korea, Tet offensive launched,
Johnson declines run for President, Martin Luther King
assassinated, 1968
Civil Rights act signed, Robert Kennedy assassinated, Richard Nixon defeats Humphrey and George
Wallace for Presidency, Chief Justice Earl Warren resigns, film
rating code established, Upton Sinclair and John Steinbeck die,
inflation heats up, progress in organ transplants, student
unrest, Chicago
riots at
Democratic convention, Apollo 7 first manned flight, Peggy
Fleming wins lone US gold medal in winter Olympics, Bob Beamon
shatters broad jump record and Dick Fosbury flops to high jump
victory in summer Olympics as Tommy Smith and John Carlos are
disqualified for black power salute.
(1969) Skyjackers abound, Paris peace talks and
massive peace demonstrations, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan
convicted, Edward Kennedy involved at Chappaquiddick, trial of
the Chicago Eight, My Lai massacre, SALT talks, Black Panthers
raided, "Oh Calcutta" opens, Saturday Evening Post
folds, Judy Garland dies, Apollo
11 and 12
moon landings, Truth-in-Lending goes into effect, cyclamates
banned, first flight of the 747, the Mets win the World Series
and the Jets win the Superbowl, UCLA and Lew Alcindor win NCAA,
Charles Manson's cult murders Sharon Tate, Woodstock.
(1970) Nixon launches "incursion" into
Cambodia, students killed in shootings at Kent
State and
Jackson State College, Angela Davis arrested, EPA and National
Air Quality Control Act, voting age at 18, movies "The
Graduate" and "Catch-22", Jimi Hendrix and Janis
Joplin die, APOLLO
13 ,
"Rube" Goldberg dies, cigarette advertising banned,
Vince Lombardi dies, Tom Dempsey kicks a record 63 yd. field
(1971) Weather Underground bombs the Capitol, war
protests continue with the Mayday march, US lifts trade embargo
on China and UN votes to admit them, the "Pentagon
Papers" published, "Satchmo" Armstrong and Door's
Jim Morrison die, _Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee_ published, J.C.
Penny dies, school busing for racial desegregation ruled
constitutional, Amtrak and the US Postal Service formed, Apollo
14 lands on the moon, Joe Frazier defends title against Muhammed
Ali, Lee Trevino wins US and British Open.
(1972) Nixon visits China and Moscow, Senate passes
SALT treaty and Equal Rights Amendment, Watergate, J. Edgar Hoover dies, George Wallace shot,
death penalty ruled unconstitutional, Haiphong harbor mined,
George McGovern accuses Nixon of Watergate break-in and vows to
get US out of Vietnam and is defeated by Nixon in Presidential
bid, Walter Winchell dies, Life magazine folds, Roberto Clemente
killed in air crash, Curt Flood's antitrust suit against
baseball, Bob Seagren pole vaults 18'5 3/4", Arab terrorists
disrupt Olympics in Munich, Bobby Fisher defeats Boris Spassky.
(1973) The Watergate scandal explodes (special
prosecutors, 18 1/2 min. gap, Liddy, McCord, Dean, Erlichman,
Grey, Richardson, Jaworski, Cox, Ervin, impeachment), Lyndon
Johnson dies, Vietnam peace accords signed, occupation of Wounded
Knee by Native American activists, Vice President Spiro Agnew
resigns and Gerald
Ford sworn in as Nixon (facing
impeachment) resigns , Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, Chicago
seven convicted, Pearl Buck dies, Americans seek nostalgia with
movies like "American Graffiti" and TV show "The
Waltons", OPEC oil embargo causes gas lines, Caesar
Chavez grape strike, Federal Energy
Office established, Alaska pipeline approved, first athletic
scholarship to a woman given to U. of Miami swimmer, new Sears
Tower tallest building in world, O.J. Simpson sets NFL rushing
record, Billie Jean King beats Bobby Riggs, author's son was
(1974) Impeachment proceedings against Nixon, Nixon
resigns, Gerald Ford becomes President, Gerald Ford pardons
Nixon, Earl Warren dies, CIA covert operation in Chile revealed,
amnesty proclamation for Vietnam draft resisters, congress passes
Freedom of Information Act, Wilbur Mills gets in trouble with
Fanne Fox the stripper, Boston racial turmoil, America mourns the
loss of "Bud" Abbott, Jack Benny, "Duke"
Ellington, "Cass" Eliott, "Chet" Huntley,
Charles Lindberg and Ed Sullivan, inflation soars, 40 yr. ban on
private ownership of gold lifted, Patricia Hearst and SLO rob
bank, Henry Aaron passes Babe Ruths lifetime home run record,
Frank Robinson becomes first black manager in baseball, Little
League baseball opens to girls, Chris Evert and Jimmy Conners win
at Wimbledon, Oakland A's win third straight World Series.
(1975) Cambodia seizes the Mayaguez, woman attempts to
assassinate President Ford twice, military academies admit women,
Thomas Hart Benton and Thorton Wilder die, TV's equal time ruling
dropped by FCC, Supreme Court bans forced confinement of mental
patients, James Hoffa disappears, school bussing for racial
balance begins, voluntary change over to metric system in ten
years planned, Karen Ann Quinlin taken off respirator,
"Casey" Stengel dies, Muhammad Ali defeats Joe Frazier
in the "Thriller in Manila", Patty Hearst captured.
(1976) The U.S. Bicentennial celebrated, Chicago mayor
Richard Daley dies, Jimmy Carter defeats President Ford to
become President, Alex Haley's _Roots_ published, Barbara Walters
becomes first woman network news anchor, billionaires Jean Paul
Getty and Howard Hughes die, Red Dye No. 2 banned, Concorde
initiates first supersonic commercial flight, Detroit stops
building convertibles, Legionnaire's Disease appears, Toxic
Substances Control Act passed, remains of the ABA merge with the
NBA, Montreal Olympics, transsexual Renee Richards barred from US
Open tennis.
(1977) President Carter pardons Vietnam draft
resisters, production of B-1 bomber halted, neutron bomb
developed, Werner von Braun dies, Department of Energy created,
Panama Canal treaties signed, Social Security taxes raised, movie
_Star Wars_ released, _Roots_ miniseries televised, Al Capp
retires "Li'l Abner", "Bing" Crosby,
"Groucho" Marx and the "King" Elvis Presley
die, saccharin banned, energy conservation called "moral
equivalent to war", Space Shuttle Enterprise makes
1st free flight, Gossamer Condor pedals a one mile flight,
Courageous wins America's Cup
(1978) California passes Proposition 13, Love Canal
pronounced a disaster area, Camp David Middle East peace
conference, Jim Jones and followers die in Guyana, Mayor of San
Francisco shot to death, Norman Rockwell dies, inflation heats
up, Margaret Mead dies, Snail Darter stops the Tellico Dam, Leon
Spinks defeats Muhammed Ali, Pete Rose youngest player to get
3000 career hits, author's daughter was born.
(1979) Three Mile Island nuclear accident, military
ties with Nicaragua severed, Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty,
Andrew Young resigns from UN, Arthur Fiedler dies, more
inflation, Department of Education formed, the "Duke"
John Wayne dies, Iran takes American hostages, federal bailout of
Chrysler, Seattle Supersonics win NBA championship.
(1980) Soviets invade Afghanistan, Abscam, aborted
Iranian hostage rescue mission, eruption of Mt. St. Helens in
Washington state, Ronald Reagan
elected president, Mae West
dies, "Who Shot J.R." episode airs, John Lennon shot
and killed, Ford Motors loses Pinto case, US hockey team wins
gold in winter Olympics, Jesse Owens dies, US boycotts Moscow
summer Olympics.
Foreign Contemporaries: Princess Diana, Nicole Kidman, Benicio Del Toro
Foreign Timeline Events: Iraqi President Hasan al-Bakr resigns and is replaced by Saddam Hussein (1979) .